Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Who can ever really get a picture with the dog in it?

We had a relaxing Father's Day. We made daddy open his gifts before we left for church. (we don't always do gifts but with Lacee getting older she wants to do it) He got some cologne ( a bag that came free with the cologne :)) and a few shirts. After church we ate lunch at Qudoba ( I forgot to tell you Jess, it was pretty good. We'll go some time) then came home and napped! YES! Lacee and I left to go to Micheal's for a craft project. Then we vacuumed out the car and picked up some barbecue on the way home. All the family came over at 5:00 and we had a good time. The party ended at 9:00! Yeah, it was a crazy afternoon with the cousins!

Love ya babe!
My sister and her husband Jon. Jon got two balls stuck way up in the trees and Luke was so MAD!
The men in my life. Looking over a set of plans for a house Josh is working on. They also worked on the laptop for at least and hour?! Isn't it suppose to be a day of relaxation?!
Four Giggling Monkeys!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful men in our lives. Men who love the Lord and their families. Were would we be without them! THANKS DADS!


Couceiro Carolina, Escudero Florencia, Farías Joaquín, Gómez Florencia, Pedrino Celeste said...
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Anonymous said...

Too cute!! Looks like a fun day!!

Meghan said...

Looks like you all had an awesome time! If nothing else... these Hallmark holidays give us a really good reason to take a break in life and just have fun!

Anonymous said...

I love you and your wonderful family! We are so blessed to have such wonderful husbands who are awesome daddy's! Our kids have no idea yet how lucky they are...they just know they are safe, loved, and adored!!