Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One of my favorite blogs, Bring the Rain is doing the coolest thing! I have to share it! And you should add her to your list of blogs to follow! Angie is Amazing and her story is so precious. Any how she wants to devote her life to more prayer time and be that example to her daughters. So she found 7 verses that go with a specific time and is praying them over her children 7 times a day. Its beautiful! Check it out here......

I wrote my prayers on notecards and hope to start this soon! :)

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Please Pray

I wanted to share that our former church body has recently loss their youth pastor. He was helping a young teen and being the servant that he was. My heart is aching for his young wife and her 18 month old son. She recently learned that she is expecting...only 11 weeks. Tara is being such a ROCK and she is an amazing Christian woman. I believe she sees this as another way to share the good new of our Lord to others. Please pray for the youth at the church too, they are an awesome group of teens! It is so hard to comprehend how God uses people to bring others to him but we do know that it was part of his great plan. Praise the Lord Preston is in the best place ever now! No doubt about that, I'm sure Tara and others find great comfort in knowing that. The funeral is planned for Saturday.................

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Parent's Prayer

O Heavenly Father, make me a better parent. Teach me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to answer all their questions kindly. Keep me from interrupting them or contradicting them. Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me. Forbid that I should ever laugh at their mistakes, or resort to shame or ridicule them they displease me. May I never punish them for my own selfish satisfaction or to show my power. Let me not tempt my child to lie or steal. And guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honesty produces happiness. Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me. And when I am out of sorts, help me. O Lord, to hold my tongue. May I ever be mindful that my children are children and I should not expect of them judgements of adults. Let me not rob them of the opportunity to wait on themselves and to make decisions. Bless me with the bigness to grant them all their reasonable requests and the courage to deny them privileges I know will do them harm. Make me fair and just and kind. And fit me, O Lord, to be loved and respected and imitated by my children. AMEN!!!!

I have this hung o the wall in my bedroom.........if I could just read it everyday and act upon it!! O Lord help me to do just that!

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Yes, I know I never blog but I still love reading everyone elses! I had to post this new thing I discovered! Smilebox...I lOVE YOU!! So fun, easy, and adorable!! Happy Day!

Click to play Soccer
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Our HUGE life moment!

What a special day we had! This afternoon I was upstairs on the computer and Lacee came up and told me she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart! Wow, I thought okay do I take this serious or what. I asked if she understood what it meant and she said, Jesus lives in my heart and takes away all the black stuff and makes it white. So I told her a bit more and said we can pray with daddy when he gets home. She goes okay but I already prayed downstairs. Oh really what did you say, Dear Jesus please come into my heart so I can live with you. Good girl honey but daddy and I can pray with you tonight too. So we did after cubbies this evening. It was so special and she repeated the sinners prayer after her daddy. I know she's young but I am so thrilled she is getting it and it is a great foundation to grow on. So tomorrow we are off to the Christan Book store to get the frillest PINK bible we can find to mark the occasion! Man they grow up quick!!! Just had to share our wonderful news with my blogger friends!

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Thursday, January 10, 2008


Lac & Cousin Aden putting on a Hannah Montana concert x-mas day!
Artist of the month at school! She said she would sell her painting for $50!

This is what she takes pics of?????? :)
My snow angel!!

My Lacee girl.......I just love her little spunky personality! She really is a joy to my heart! I can't believe she is getting so BIG! Stop Growing I tell her! It is fun to watch her grow into her personality. She really is sensitive (like me) and strong (like her daddy) at the same time. She's very outgoing (when she is comfortable), she wants to please others (not so sure this is good all the time), and she loves singing her heart out! We love to hear it too! I am posting a few pictures of her and some random ones I found on the camera she took. She's my budding photographer and singer! Eat your heart out Carrie Underwood and Vanessa Hudgens! LOVE YOU DEARLY LADYBUG!!

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Stay home Day..

(Poor Luke didn't make it all in this pic. I love when people add pictures to thier post so I always try to find at least one. This is as good as it gets tonight.)

I am a big time go and do girl. Love being busy all the time (well only when it is my schedule and my choices). This is the first weekend when we didn't go out to eat and we hung out at home all weekend (taco bell & a visit at the neighbors tonight after dinner doesn't count). I organized the laundry room and that's about it. Watched a ton of TV and eat a ton of junk (not good but enjoyed it all). I really wanted to go to Target or something last night but decided to put my jammies on and stay with my hubby. It really was nice and I didn't spend a dime all weekend! I don't think these kinds of weekends come around enough and I'm going to treasure them more! Hope you had a fun weekend too!

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Something I desire...

I love my little family and want to be a blessing to other peoples families. I really hope to entertain more this year. I believe I have a slight case of OCD when it comes to this. I have great intentions of entertaining but never get around to doing it. I worry the person I ask will say yes to be nice, I worry about cooking the perfect meal & I worry about feeling intimated by others in our home. When we get to enjoy other families homes it warms my heart. We build deeper relationships that make our lives feel fuller. I have fallen into a pit and I think a way out is for me to use what I think I have as a gift to share with others. So now that it's written for the world to read maybe I will be more bold to open our home to others and not feel the urge to have it be PERFECT!

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mommy my ear hurts...

I really hate ear infections! My Lacee girl is really good letting us know when her ear hurts. Just like this afternoon after a fun day of playing with Camps and Coops she lays down on the couch at home and informs me of her pain. I always contemplate calling the Dr.s but every time I end up taking her and every time she is right on the money! Funny thing is she never got them until she was almost 3 and she's had at least a dozen since. I kinda wanna find a natural medicine I could give her to help prevent them. She's had so many doses of antibiotics it's gotta be bad for her.

On another note someone told me about these natural CALM pills you can give your kids. WHAT! I was told they are in the medicine aisle at Freddies. They help you kids sleep better and stay calmer...doesn't seem possible. I will be getting over there tomorrow to read the back of that bottle! I'll let you know what I think and if I purchased them! :) I think everyone would know about these and it would be talked about all the time if they worked?!

And on a final note...I read this last night and thought it was special.

My precious Child,

I am your father-you belong to Me. I love you with an everlasting love. You are created in my image, and you favor me. I have filled you with My wisdom and direction. Even as you wouldn't let someone you love fall, I won't let you fall. I want you to come close to Me. Talk to Me and tell Me your heart, as I am listening. With patience I wait for you to include Me. You are family, a part of my Heart.

-Your Heavenly Father

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Blog Books

I recently heard that you can turn your blog into a book with all the pictures and everything! I think that is so cool and kinda makes me want to start blogging again?! Just for the fact that I could have a cool book published for my family to read. I think a lot of you guys should do this! So many of you have awesome blogs and they should be cherished for years to come! You could make one of all your 2007 posts!

Happy New Year!

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