Friday, July 13, 2007

Wedding Shower

This evening I attended a good friends wedding shower. Many years ago we attended the same church and a bunch of our friends from there were at the shower. Talk about a fun reunion! It was great catching up were everyone is and how many children they have. Do ya'll think it is weird talking with people you know you probably won't see again for a long time. I feel weird telling someone all about my life and know I won't see them again any time soon. But at the same time I love it to. I wish we could carry our friends with us throughout all the different journeys we take. That would be fun! Wedding showers are kinda depressing when you watch the new bride unwrap all her new towels, cups, plates. Things that after 10 years of marriage I could definitely replace. We should have anniversary showers. Hey that's a good idea!

My dear friend Karen is so precious and has the biggest heart for God. She has always been there for me even after going months without talking. One of those friends you can call and pick up right were you left off even if its been 3 months. She is that friend that you always wanted to find the perfect man to share her life with. She is that friend who has always wanted and will have at least 4 or 5 kiddos! I am so glad she has been blessed with her future husband! I pray they many moments of bliss and truly enjoy one another. Its gonna be a great wedding! (Oh and the bridesmaids dress fit! I was very nervous!!!) :)


Anonymous said...

I've got a friend like that. We went to pre-school together and we friends all thru school. Now we don't eachother very often but we live close together, but when we talk it's like we just talked yesterday and there's just a trust & kinship there that never goes away. I love her to death.

I love the anniversary shower idea. I'm still using the same tattered towels I got as a wedding gift 13 years ago!!

krod said...

Oh girl, you are soooo sweet. I have tears in my eyes. I just had to leave a comment because I saw there was one about a wedding shower. It was a total blast from the past and I loved it! You are super cool!
Love ya,

krod said...
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