Monday, July 9, 2007


Well earlier today one of the guys working at our shop cut the water line and had to shut it off for a while. He had to make a trip to Home Depot to get a part to fix it. While he was gone I was cleaning my car out (so dirty from camping) and Luke was on the side of the house playing in the recycling. I thought?! He came walking in the garage with his hands out saying look Mommy! OIL! OIL! Josh left a 5 gallon bucket of motor oil out and Luke had fun dipping his hands in it. Remember we have no water? My neighbor was gone..............So we used a whole packet of wipes to clean those hands. He smells like a mechanic now! Can you imagine who difficult it must be for those with no running water all the time?!


Anonymous said...

Wow what a mess that would be! OIL! UGH!! Thank God for baby wipes. They are like the solution for every mess. My kids are older and way out of diapers but I still buy them and use them regularly for everything!

Meghan said...

OK now MY page won't let me post a title!

Sometimes this program is really a pain!!!

Glad you guys had a fun 4th! Sorry about the oil incident but at least he didn't eat it!!!

Tina said...

And your son is thinking..."hmmm this looks like fun, a whole pan of this fun black stuff, Mom won't mind"
I still carry wipes, but now they are the fresh smelling scented ones that fit in my purse from bath and body works. Never got out of the habit. remember my kids are 22 and 19