Thursday, July 12, 2007

Being a Wife...

Yesterday morning after my run with my persistent neighbor I came home and everyone was still sleeping. :)! I made myself a bowl of the yummiest vanilla oatmeal and read a few chapters in Ephesians. It was a delightful morning. I sat outside on the porch and it was still quite warm from the heat blast we are having. I've been a little down in the dumps these last few days. Not sure why really. PMS, fun woman issues I've been dealing with, children (especially the one under 2), my husbands piles of paper work I have to go through. The list goes on. I feel like I should have no reason to be ugly and have an attitude because really I have everything I need and my life is relatively stress free but I tend to make it as stressful as I can. So in my reading I felt very convicted. I know that a husbands responsibility's are to be the head of the house but I feel like a wife is the one who sets the tone for the family. When I'm grumpy it's not fair to everyone else. If Josh is grumpy I get so upset but I don't except the same when I am. Totally not fair. In the end I feel God has given us (wives) a HUGE influence that is equally important to our husbands in the way our family functions. I am really going to work on my attitude and words . I know they need adjusting. I desire nothing more than to be a Goldy wife and mother that God intends me to be!!


Anonymous said...

How challenging for me! I am so grumpy sometimes and bark around at everyone and just plain lose it so much of the time. We do set the tone for the family and we have such a great influence on our home.

I love mornings when you're up before everyone else and you get time alone. My day goes so much better. So glad you got that time to yourself. I'll be praying for your "dumpiness".....been there so many times. Can't figure out why, you just feel down & blah.

Thanks for sharing!

Meghan said...

Well... now I feel convicted. :)

(in a good way)

Sometimes I get really selfish and find myself resenting the pressure that I perceive in being a godly wife. I can get really nasty when I start to tell myself that I "deserve" to be crabby once in awhile!! (or once a day).

Why on earth should we resent such an amazing gift and honor?

Thanks for the thought!

Tina said...

This is a tough one, but a struggle we gals go through often. Someone told me once that God is interested in our direction more than where we are at right now and the intention of our hearts to continually grow and seek Him for change. My attitude really stinks alot of the time and I tend to be a bit of a whiner. that's not how you sound. You encourage me to seek God this morning on some issues in my life that mess with my attitude. Thanks for writing this today.
p.s. you are a runner?! I've always wanted to do that,but never seem to get there. I just walk really fast.

Tina said...

thanks for answering the question on my blog. I plan to answer it too.