Friday, July 13, 2007

There are no exceptions!

Break this bondage Lord, that seems to keep me from sensing or believing Your forgiveness. Help me to rejoice that the only thing whiter then snow is a repentant sinner!

Blessed am I because You, Lord, will never count my sins against me! (Romans 4:7-8 )
I told you all I was feeling down in the dumps these last few weeks. This morning I think I had an intervention. After reading a short little prayer in my Beth Moore book (my dear friend sent for my b-day a while back) I felt as if God was speaking to me. This prayer was what I'd been feeling but no sure how to put into words. I mention last time how I feel the wife sets the tone and I have been desiring nothing more than setting a comforting, happy, secure home life. But my actions and words have been so opposite of that and the conviction I've been feeling is overwhelming. I'll find myself getting angry at the kids and at the same time feeling the Holy Spirit right beside me. Like hey don't say it or do it I'm here watching you. YIKES!! I know amidst a lot of crazy life issues and being a mom I can get stressed way to easily. I just want to say girls, I'm so happy the Lord loves me and wants nothing more than for me to have my faith and righteousness for him. He forgives me when I've fallen and accepts me as I am. He isn't counting my sins! I praise you Lord!!!

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