Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mommy my ear hurts...

I really hate ear infections! My Lacee girl is really good letting us know when her ear hurts. Just like this afternoon after a fun day of playing with Camps and Coops she lays down on the couch at home and informs me of her pain. I always contemplate calling the Dr.s but every time I end up taking her and every time she is right on the money! Funny thing is she never got them until she was almost 3 and she's had at least a dozen since. I kinda wanna find a natural medicine I could give her to help prevent them. She's had so many doses of antibiotics it's gotta be bad for her.

On another note someone told me about these natural CALM pills you can give your kids. WHAT! I was told they are in the medicine aisle at Freddies. They help you kids sleep better and stay calmer...doesn't seem possible. I will be getting over there tomorrow to read the back of that bottle! I'll let you know what I think and if I purchased them! :) I think everyone would know about these and it would be talked about all the time if they worked?!

And on a final note...I read this last night and thought it was special.

My precious Child,

I am your father-you belong to Me. I love you with an everlasting love. You are created in my image, and you favor me. I have filled you with My wisdom and direction. Even as you wouldn't let someone you love fall, I won't let you fall. I want you to come close to Me. Talk to Me and tell Me your heart, as I am listening. With patience I wait for you to include Me. You are family, a part of my Heart.

-Your Heavenly Father

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Jessica said...

Poor it related to the allergy thing I wonder? LOVE the picture in the snow, how cute!

Christy said...

Yeah Jess, Sammy caused it! Just Joking.........I think it just happend! My kids are still talking about carrying the kitty around. Hope they didn't casue him to much trama!

Meghan said...

Yay! pictures and updates! It's great to have you back Christy!

Just to let you know... we have a new blog address... it's