Sunday, January 6, 2008

Stay home Day..

(Poor Luke didn't make it all in this pic. I love when people add pictures to thier post so I always try to find at least one. This is as good as it gets tonight.)

I am a big time go and do girl. Love being busy all the time (well only when it is my schedule and my choices). This is the first weekend when we didn't go out to eat and we hung out at home all weekend (taco bell & a visit at the neighbors tonight after dinner doesn't count). I organized the laundry room and that's about it. Watched a ton of TV and eat a ton of junk (not good but enjoyed it all). I really wanted to go to Target or something last night but decided to put my jammies on and stay with my hubby. It really was nice and I didn't spend a dime all weekend! I don't think these kinds of weekends come around enough and I'm going to treasure them more! Hope you had a fun weekend too!

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