Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our Saturday Adventure!

The house boat they are remodeling.........a work in progress! They are giving the hand statue high five!

Lacee wanted us to wait and see if the princess might come out of this house! I told her there might me one spoiled princess that lives there! :)

We hit a huge wave and the water came over the bow and I was unexpectedly cooled off! No one warned me it was nice!

The row of houses the that Josh is working on.

What a day we had! About 1:00 we decided to go for a boat ride, which is kinda random in itself because that is normally Luke's nap time. He hasn't been taking good naps lately though. The boat was already in the water because Josh is doing a boat house remodel and used the boat for a barge or something. The owners had mentioned to Josh that they would love to meet the kids and I so Josh called and let them know we were coming. Mrs. Gerber wanted to go for a boat ride so we cruised up and down the Willamette for a few hours. It was nice getting to know her, she is hilarious. A professional organizer too, cool huh? We also found out her father is the owner/creator of Gerber knives. My dad loves them! Josh gave us a tour of the house and the kids ran all over the place! I think it would be fun to live on the water like that! After I got use to the rocking all the time. For dinner Lacee was determined that she wanted Lobster........uhh who knew. Josh wanted Red Lobster but there wasn't one near by so we decided Newport Bay would be better. However parking was going to be an issue cause we were taking the boat home this time. We found a great spot and I jumped out to help Josh navigate into it. In the meantime this man pulled up and asked me if we were going to take both the open spots! Are you kidding me! There was a car and a boat, yeah that's two spots! I tried to stay nice but he kept arguing with me about how rude that was! We were paying for two so what does it matter. In the meantime a Limo pulled up behind Josh and he was getting ready to back up...yep! He hit a Limo with the boat! Thankfully it wasn't anything big and the driver said no worries! By this time I said forget it and lets find somewhere else. Which made everyone else unhappy. Josh suggest we go to Manazas which was right on the way home. Bear with me this is the best part! First we ran into some people from Church and them at dinner we noticed this older gentleman who knew everyone who worked there. All the wait staff would go over to his table and chat with him. He also took a liking to Luke and chatted with him about all kinds of stuff. Well I am very noisy and love to try and figure out what is going on at every table except the one I'm at. I saw this man tell our waiter he wanted to pay our bill for us. I leaned over and told Josh and he didn't believe me. Josh finally asked the man who he was since everyone seemed to know. Some big shot investor and he was just a friendly guy. They talked business for a while and I finally asked another waiter to find our waiter to get us our check. He came over and sure enough said Oh it was taken care of! Wouldn't tell us who and just walked away. So Josh asked the man, Doug is his name and he finally admitted to it. Said we looked like a nice young family with well behaved kids (he got us a on a good night) and wanted to take care of it for us. We both thanked him and shared handshakes . Can you believe there are still people out there like that! I almost started crying..........which isn't to uncommon for me. Maybe God had this all prearranged so Josh could meet another potential investor! Who knows but wow it was one crazy day! I think we will have to pay it forward to someone next time, keep a good thing going maybe. :) Thanks for hanging in there and reading this all..........bye!
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Anonymous said...

Great story!

Your day looks like so much fun. I love the water.

You've got the cutest little family!

Tina said...

And you thought you were just heading out for a day of family fun and look at all the blessings God brought your way! I love stories like this. Thanks for sharing it.