Sunday, August 12, 2007

Our HERO!!

Tonight we had a birthday party for Grammie and GGma. It was a special evening with all the family to celebrate Moms 59th and grandmas 89!! Next year should be a fun party!! All the adults were sitting in the house chatting when Brandon (4) came running in with a frantic look on his face telling us Luke had fallen in the pool!! Not everyone heard him but we all noticed something was wrong. Everyone ran outside and I grabbed the phone ready to dial 911. Dad was the first to reach the pool and praise the Lord Luke was holding on to the edge! The cover was on and we think Luke thought he could walk on it. He must have stepped on and feel but was able to grab the edge before going under. Bless his heart he was shivering and scared. As was little Brandon. He saved Lukes life tonight! We love you B!! Poor guy wouldn't let Luke out of his sight the rest of the evening! After a few tears were shed by most of us on how lucky we were tonight we decided to take the party outside, so we could keep an eye on the children. I hate to imagine how awful this evening could have been and so grateful our little man is okay! Thank you Lord!!
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Meghan said...

Christy... I am SO glad Luke is OK!! You must have been terrified! (If there was even time for that!)

Way to go Brandon!

Tina said...

Praise God for His protection!
I'm glad he's is fine. What a scare!

Tina said...

Christy, thanks for your comment on my blog about my son. Most of all, thanks for your prayers. things are better today or maybe they are the same and my perspective is better. Thanks!